Application at a degree programme:
1) Application Form +  Transcript of Records
2) Selection List ( to be sent to IRO by each Degree Coordinator/School)
After selection deliver to IRO:
During the Stay, send to IRO:
At the end of the Erasmus Period, deliver to IRO:
7) Student: Transcript of Records/Evaluation (Page 4) and Erasmus Coordinator: Recognition at IPT sent to Academic Services 
8) Student: Attendance Certificate    
9) Student: Final Report - a link will be sent by email (check spam)



Application at the Degree Programme:

1) Application Form + Transcript of Records
2) Selection List ( to be sent to IRO by each Degree Coordinator/School)

After selection deliver to IRO:

3) Learning Agreement (Page 1); 

NOTE: Starting from academic year 23/24 LA should be made through OLA platform


The login options available to access the Online Learning Agreement platform are the following: eduGAIN (with your academic credentials)

4) Previous IPT Recognition Commitment

During the Stay, send to IRO:

5) Staying Confirmation
6) Changes to Learning Agreement (Page 2)

NOTE: Starting from academic year 23/24 changes on LA should be made through OLA

At the end of the Erasmus Period, deliver to IRO:

7) Student: deliver to IPT the Transcript of Records (Page 3) issued by the host institution  and based on this one, the Erasmus Coordinator from IPT will issue the final Transcript of Records (Page 4) to the Academic Services. 
8) Student: Certificate
9) Student: Final Report-  a link will be sent by email(check spam)


Attention: IPT's Students that have already finished their Bachelor or Master programmes, may apply for Erasmus+ trainning grants, since they plan and finish the trainning during the 12 months after the issue of their Diplomas. 




1) Application for Erasmus Teacher/Staff (Any application should be received at least 3 weeks before the start of the mobility)
2) Teaching Mission
3) Staff Training Programme
4) Certificate for Teachers
5) Certificate for Staff
6) Final Report: a link from E.U. will be sent by email 
7)  IPT's Final Mission Report



  • Travelers are advised to register on the application  “Registo Viajante” that is free and voluntary but useful for the authorities in case of emergency. The registration gives you the opportunity to receive information on the safety condictions of the host country and access to the portuguse diplomatic representations as well as direct connection to the Diplomatic Emergency Office. You may download the Apps or do the registration online (HERE):
  • It is always recommended to keep a copy of the invoices for expenses if you want to claim a refund.
  • It is recommended to check the mobility gudes and FAQs page (HERE) to clarify general doubts.



General documentation and information for Erasmus+ mobility