PowerUpMyHouse Project - Erasmus+ KA2
Under the EU's energy and environment objectives, the "PowerUp MyHouse" project, a strategic partnership funded by the Erasmus+ programme, aims to increase knowledge and awareness in general about solar energy applications and in particular on photovoltaic thermal technology applied to more sustainable buildings through the development of innovative educational approaches.
In addition to IPT, 3 Turkish institutions ( ADANA ALPARSLAN TURKES BILIM VE TEKNOLOJI UNIVERSITESI, Kampüs Sivil Toplum, Kültür, Sanat ve Eğitim Derneği and Kurttepe Sehit Ali Oztas Mesleki ve Teknik AnadoluLisesi) , 1 in Lithuania ( Panevezio kolegija) 2 in Sweden ( HOGSKOLAN I GAVLE and MG SUSTAINABLE ENGINEERING AB ) and 1 in Denmark (DANMARKS TEKNISKE UNIVERSITET)
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