Bachelors - 1st Cycle
Information here:
Portuguese Language
The attendance of any bachelor programs at Polytechnic of Tomar requires an independent user of the portuguese language in which the course is taught ( B2 level) , according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). International students who do not have the B2 level may apply with the condition to attend in Polytechnic of Tomar a language training in in which the course is taught until they reach the required level. Students who have attended secondary school in the language that the bachelor program they are applying is taught will not need to attend the language course.
Consult here the International Student Statutes - Regulations
Application Deadlines - Updated
1st Phase - Applications |
03/12/2018 to 11/02/2019 |
Results |
21/02/2019 |
Reclamations(1) |
22 to 23/02/2019 |
Enrolment and Inscription |
25/02 to 31/07/2019 |
2nd Phase - Applications |
01/03 to 31/05/2019 |
Results |
12/06/2019 |
Reclamations(1) |
12 to 14/06/2019 |
Enrolment and Inscription |
14/06 to 31/07/2019 |
3rd Phase - Applications |
03/06 to 12/07/2019 |
Results |
24/07/2019 |
Reclamations(1) |
25 to 26/07/2019 |
Enrolment and Inscription |
07/08 to 16/08/2019 |
4th Phase - Applications |
19/08 to 13/09/2019 |
Results |
23/09/2019 Final Results on 14/10/2019 |
Reclamations(1) |
24 to 25/09/2019 |
Enrolment and Inscriptions |
27/09 to 13/12/2019 |
(1)As reclamações podem ser entregues ainda até ao fim do prazo previsto no Código do Procedimento Administrativo.
Application documentation (must be submitted via email to )
Application and attendance Fees
Plano de Pagamentos/Plan of Payments - atualização/update | |||||
Licenciaturas/1st Cycle - engenharias e gestão/engineering and Management | Licenciaturas/1st Cycle - artes e património/arts and Heritage1 | ||||
Tempo Integral/complete attendance | Tempo Parcial/partial attendance | Tempo Integral/complete attendance | Tempo Parcial/partial attendance | ||
Valor anual da taxa/Annual Fee | 1.250,00 € | 800,00 € | 1.450,00 € | 900,00 € | |
Pagamento integral na inscrição (redução 2%)/Reduction of 2% to total payment with the inscription | 1.225,00 € | 784,00 € | 1.421,00 € | 882,00 € | |
Pagamento em prestações/Partial payments | |||||
Prestações/payments | Data de Vencimento/payment deadline | Valor a Pagar/payment amount | Valor a Pagar/payment amount | Valor a Pagar/payment amount | Valor a Pagar/payment amount |
1 | Data da inscrição/matricula - Date of the inscription/enrolment 3 | 50,00 € | 50,00 € | 50,00 € | 50,00 € |
2 | até 24 de outubro/till 24 October | 200,00 € | 200,00 € | 200,00 € | 200,00 € |
3 | até 24 de novembro/till 24 November | 200,00 € | 200,00 € | 200,00 € | 200,00 € |
4 | até 24 de dezembro/till 24 December | 150,00 € | 150,00 € | 150,00 € | 200,00 € |
5 | até 24 de janeiro/till 24 January | 109,00 € | 34,00 € | 142,00 € | 42,00 € |
6 | até 24 de fevereiro/till 24 February | 109,00 € | 34,00 € | 142,00 € | 42,00 € |
7 | até 24 de março/till 24 March | 109,00 € | 34,00 € | 142,00 € | 42,00 € |
8 | até 24 de abril/till 24 April | 109,00 € | 34,00 € | 142,00 € | 42,00 € |
9 | até 24 de maio/till 24 May | 109,00 € | 34,00 € | 142,00 € | 42,00 € |
10 | até 24 de junho/till 24 June | 105,00 € | 30,00 € | 140,00 € | 40,00 € |
Notas: | |||||
1 - Cursos de Conservação e Restauro, Design e Tecnologia das Artes Gráficas, Fotografia e Vídeo e Cinema Documental/ Degrees of Conservation and Restoration, Design and Graphic Arts, Photography and Documentary Film Studies | |||||
2 - Os alunos que efetuem a inscrição online terão o prazo de 10 dias para efetuar o pagamento da propina e seguro escolar/ The students will have 10 days to pay the fee and the insurance | |||||
3 - Ao valor de propina acresce 2,00€ referente ao Seguro Escolar / Please add 2€ to academic insurance |
Application and attendance fees shoul be paid by bank transfer to this bank account
NIB: 0781 0112 0000 0001 2791 7
IBAN - PT50 0781 0112 0000 0001 2791 7
Payment proofs should be sent to and .
Application fee is 40€.
Attendance fee per academic year to the bachelors programs of Photography, Conservation and Restoration, Design and Graphic Arts and Documentary Film Studies is 1450 € ; Attendance fee of all the other Bachelor Programs is 1250 € per academic year; After being selected the International Student should proceed with the enrollment and pay 50€ of the attendance fee by bank transfer to the bank account reffered above (updated on July 2019). IPT will proceed with the documentation regarding the visa.
1) Aos candidatos admitidos Condicionalmente - SEM VAGA: no caso de haver vagas disponíveis por desistência de canditatos serão contactados pelo IPT;
2) Os candidatos com admissão condicional devem regularizar a situação para poder proceder à matrícula;
3) A Matrícula implica a regularização de todas as observações e o pagamento da primeira prestação de 52 euros;
4) Após a regularização da matrícula o IPT emite a carta para o visto.