The Polytechnic University of Tomar is now part of the restricted list of Higher Education Institutions that lead a consortium of a European Universe. KreativEU (European University of Knowledge and Creativity) entails a unique alliance of universities across Europe, linking local and national heritage, traditions, crafts and folklore to a common European value, strengthening European identity, cohesion, the knowledge economy, employment, creativity, culture and well-being. KreativEU is the result of a great collective effort, which has been developed in recent years, to boost teaching and research at the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar and celebrated the Erasmus Days 2024 with a Webinar common to all partners, aiming to share information about KreativEU and its partners.
Presentations made during the webinar:
Polytechnic University of Tomar (IPT, Portugal)
D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics (TAE, Bulgaria)
University of South Bohemia in Ceské Budejovice (USB, Czechia)
University of Camerino (UNICAM, Italy)
University of Greifswald (UG, Germany)
Breda University of Applied Sciences (BUas, Netherlands)
Opole University of Technology (OUTech, Poland)
Valahia University of Targoviste (VUT, Romania)
Trnava University (TUT, Slovakia)
Adana Alparslan Turkes Science and Technology University (ATU, Turkey)
Sodertorn University (SH, Sweden)